Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

How To Attract Men: How To Attract Men By Touching Them In These 3, Non-Sexual Places

If you want to learn how to attract men by touching them, you're reading the right article. It is no secret that us guys like to be touched and to touch. I don't know what it is, but I think it's got something to do with how we're built anatomically. Touching is the most primal form of a connection there is and it's just a good way to establish a link between you and man just to see how comfortable you could be if you were together. Of course, it also shows how bold and certain you are. If you do initiate the touch, the man will definitely get the feeling that you're interested in him. Here's 3 places to touch him to show him you're interested.

1. Shoulder

Us guys like being touched on the shoulder because it's a place that is usually pretty tense. If we're built and quite stocky, the shoulder is also a place that is quite tight. Touching it relaxes it.

By touching our shoulder, you are basically acknowledging our masculinity. Men tend to have broader shoulders than women do and touching it just lets us know that you are interested in us as a man. Touching by tilting the head onto our shoulder also shows affection.

2. Back

Touching the back is another body part that is interesting. It's non-assuming and quite subtle. Friends would touch each other on the back. However, if a woman does it, she can make it seem like she likes the guy.

It's all in the pressure and the length of time that she places the hand there for. If she puts her entire hand on his back and touches him for more than a second, the guy will notice this more than a shove in the back.

3. Hand

This is the last body part which can be innocent but really tells us guys that you have a thing for us. It can be as simple as asking us to put out our hand to look at our palm lines to putting out our hand so that you can give us something.

Make the most of subtle hand touching and your man will notice it. If you hold his hand momentarily, he will notice it too.

This aspect of studying how to attract men is pretty fun in of itself. Touching is always going to be a way that we men gauge how into us you are. Shoulders, back and hands: these are the areas to touch to communicate affection to us.

Jack Keys is married to a beautiful woman with whom he has a gorgeous daughter. Within 6 months of being married, they were already on the rocks. Using his degree in psychology, Jack analyzed what was wrong with their marriage and brought back their marriage into safe territory.

If understanding men is an issue for you, download Jack's free report that he wrote to try and help women learn about and solve men issues that put stress on marriage, such as what men really want out of a marriage (it's not sex, love or children), why your man is falling out of love with you and why he's ignoring what you're asking him to do.

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