Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

Male psychology: why your man don't love you if you don't ask him to buy you things all the time

We men are an interesting study in psychology. We may make it appear we always cut straight forward and clear but not actually nonsense, often say any contradictory or just illogical. For example, could say we hate buying gifts for you, but if we really hated it, why are we still together with you? Why do we keep buying them for you? I mean sure, you could say we do that because our arm is twisted to play, but still. This is a free country. We can simply walk. So why are we? And why would astond you.

1. we love you

Yes, we love you. For this reason we buy gifts for you. I am going to take it one step further though. Unless we buy gifts, don't like you. This right, we're emotionally unable to love you if you don't ask us to buy you gifts.

This may seem crazy, so let me explain the logic behind this. Since the stone ages, our players were always the ones who have the correct service providers? If we do not provide our women, we feel happy. Whenever we are able to provide the happier we are.

2. validate us

Fast forward now. Nothing has changed except we ourselves for the authentication method. Instead of hunting for enough food to survive, to go out and be able to make you happier, our wives, we also feel happier ourselves.

Of course, it is important to recognize. If you do not recognize our efforts, it doesn't matter if we bring you again in diamonds. We'll just take it back to where we came from and forget it ever happened.

3. any love

If you don't ask us to buy you things are expensive, and this is OK. This doesn't mean we cant love you. However, our instinct remained that provider to fulfil and actually get convinced that when we appreciate our other offer you.

For example, is the emotional support and another way that we can provide you. If we knew the graphics drawing hand and spend time and effort with your hand and make you weep with joy when they receive, make us feel validated and happy.

See psychology male type of funny. We hope that you understand now that men have to challenge when it comes to love. If we can't get it if you don't recognize that they just don't like you, regardless of how much we offer you.

Keyboard Jack and is married to a beautiful woman with him and his wonderful son. Within 6 months of marriage, they were already on the rocks. Using degree in psychology, analyzed Jack's nothing wrong with their marriage and marriage back in safe territory.

If men understand the problem for you, download the free report Jack wrote in an attempt to help women identify and resolve issues of men putting pressure on marriage, as marriage men really want (non-sex, love, children), why is your man love with you, and why he ignores what I was asking him to do.

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