Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Relationship Advice For Women: 3 Reasons That Men Prefer It If Their Wife Was Weak

This relationship advice for women doesn't actually need much action from the wife's point of view. It's simply some opinions and attitudes from men that I've worked with in the past and what they believe about women and their place in modern society. Before you talk to be as if I'm a chauvinist, I'm not going to say anything like women belong in the kitchen and all that rubbish. I do however think that a lot of the lingering problems to do with sexism are only still present because women let them be a problem. Here are three reasons that we men would prefer our women weak.

1. Because We Are Weak

We guys are as weak as women, if not even more so. We just don't show it. It's actually really obvious and women know it. Our egos for example are a thin veil that protects our pride. As soon as someone shatters it, we feel like our place in society has disappeared.

The only thing that makes things bearable is if the woman is also weak and she makes us feel validated and part of society again. Yes, we rely on the woman to make us value ourselves. She makes us feel valued by making her happy.

2. Easier To Communicate With

Women are still the better communicators of the 21st century. Nothing has really changed since the 1900's. We men still find it hard to get our feelings across, while women have gotten better at it. There are women who do struggle with the idea, but this isn't as common. There are only varying degrees as to which how easy a woman is to get through to.

Women who are strong tend to erect barriers, making it harder for them to communicate with. This makes it harder for us to communicate with them. Women who have fewer barriers are easier to establish a connection with and thus, easier to form a relationship with. So if you want a man in your life, simply drop your guard a bit.

3. We're Not Needed

This is somewhat related to the first point, but still deserves its own discussion. When women are weak, we guys are generally expected to be there to protect them. This is something primal and will always be there, forever.

We are the providers, the breadwinners and the protectors. As soon as women are strong, there's not much we can do in the form of giving value to women. If she provides for herself financially, emotionally and spiritually, is there really a place for us?

This relationship advice is for women who realize that women have all the power in a relationship. You basically have to let us into your lives not for your sake, but ours. If you want to find a man who will make you happy, first find out what makes him feel happy and validated and if you can give it to him, there's a good chance that he'll also be able to make you feel happy too in the long run.

Jack Keys is a married to his wife, Elle and has a beautiful baby daughter with her. His psychology degree, combined with his real-life experience in his own marriage has turned him into an accidental relationship adviser amongst his friends and colleagues.

He specializes in relationship advice for women and shares his knowledge with women who want to strengthen their relationship with their husband.

His latest 10-page report talks about how to get more love and respect from your husband, written especially for women who are finding that their man is falling out of love with them.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=J._Keys

View the original article here

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