Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Relationship Advice For Women: 3 Reasons Men Are Turned Off By Women Who Are Successful

This relationship advice for women addresses an area that a lot of men have trouble coming to terms with and that's women who are successful. They might not even have to be more successful than their man in monetary terms, but successful to even a small degree. I'm not going to lie, I would feel threatened by my wife, Elle, if she was successful. She actually is successful in our own field, but if she were to for some reason become the go-to person for all things psychology-related, I would feel like I would have lost my place. Here are three more reasons why we men are turned off by successful women.

1. What's Our Role?

The man's role is to provide for the woman. This is what we've been brought up to believe and is what has been the case for the last few thousand years. Can you blame us for feeling lost if this role disappears?

The easiest way for men to provide is to provide that monetary protection. By making sure there's enough gas in the tank and food on the table, we feel validated. What happens when the lady can do that for us?

2. Ego

This of course is another big reason that we men are threatened by women who are more successful than us. Our ego really is all a man has and when he feels like he isn't as good as his wife, his ego is the first to go.

I know, I know it's petty, but it's the truth. It's the way we're wired and the way that society is shaped. It's not something we can easily change, although in this modern day and age, it's not becoming as much of an issue.

3. What Can We Do?

If we can't provide the financial support, what else can we do? It does sound like a stupid question, but to regular guys, we feel that that's the only way that we can validate ourselves. We know that women want us for the emotional side of things as well, but for a lot of guys, this simply doesn't cut it.

Us guys are always going to feel threatened when the thing that we're good at becomes somebody else's forte.

This relationship advice for women talks about why men are afraid of women who are successful. It really is hard for women who are successful to find good men, since so many of us are wrapped up in our own insecurities.

Jack Keys is a married to his wife, Elle and has a beautiful baby daughter with her. His psychology degree, combined with his real-life experience in his own marriage has turned him into an accidental relationship adviser amongst his friends and colleagues.

He specializes in relationship advice for women and shares his knowledge with women who want to strengthen their relationship with their husband.

His latest 10-pagereport talks about how to get more love and respect from your husband, written especially for women who are finding that their man is falling out of love with them.

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