Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Has some marks that leave you

1. you no longer have romantic time together, just the two of you

If you have noticed you 2 spend less time together (just the two of you), it may be a bad sign, especially if accompanied by his friends invite each time you exit 2. If you change your time together in a group outing, a clear sign he was ready to leave you. This is particularly the case if you ask some other kind of ladies in the group, or if any are flirtatious with the Act.

Desire disintegration may still be in the subconscious, but if he is acting this way.

2. it changes his looks

If the appearance of your men suddenly much better, or different, might have good reason to worry. For example, suppose that your man is men casual one outfit that only t-shirt jeans and trainers; if all of a sudden it starts to buy designer clothes, for example, also clearly trying (subconsciously or consciously) face new (and different from you), or simply trying to convince the other woman. Same if just buy Cologne while until then that he wasn't even wearing deodorant!

On the other hand, when a man comfortable in a relationship that lets himself go, although these days, the pressure to look good or at least be fit, and this may no longer be the case. But since this humanism (is that when unmarried, or one we think ' private ' care of ourselves when we are satisfied, while in a relationship do not), if your guy is starting to take ' special ' care for himself in any way, it's a warning signal, indicating to act or think ' single ' again.

2. in a bad mood and/or excessive criticizing you

Do you feel like no longer interested in what I must say, regardless of what? Or do you feel that when the big story, funny all entertainment while he looks bored and absent-minded? Or you can complain about some weird treating you badly all I hear from him to take the side of a stranger? Do you feel like you have started to criticize you without any real reason, or become objectively against you, whereas before I used to praise you or tribute? You can find that become bad tempered and snappy and Mody? If this is the case in your relationship, it could be a sign he is ready to dump you. You feel that you have the contempt towards or relationship, maybe you're right (if behavioral signals above). The reason why he is psychologically torturing you this way because it was acting to thwart it. May feel bored or frustrated in relationship but cant change things; this is the case when a man often behave in this way, the key is not to take myself because it could be prettier, prettiest, and the kindest, most glamorous woman on this planet, and it will still work that way if that psychological thinking ' single ' again, or if he felt powerless or frustration within the relationship (often his own psychological reasons which are unrelated).

4. it is no longer available.

He suddenly became really busy at work to find less and less time for you? Or are you suddenly who strive to stay connected? Are they making more telephone calls he had received that make you? A reply to your text messages, or e-mails with unusual delay? It does not return your calls as fast as it used anyway? It cancelled some dates with you lately? Or is no longer planning anything in the future with you holidays (living arrangements, and so on) and avoid the topic when you ask? These signals are all threads that try to "get out of the relationship" or subconsciously or consciously, let's not forget that men find it very difficult to split with any girl in person, face-to-face, so that recourse to these types of behavior instead.

5. body language changes

Although young people can tell you, watch his body language when you talk or listen to you, such as body language signs displayed his shoulders instead of back to you or give you one pathetic shoulder hug (this sign shows that he subconsciously distance himself from you), or if he Pats you on his back while you embrace 2 (this mark proved inconvenient subconsciously or consciously embrace you).

If the above signals is cropped in the relationship, rather than the heart or shut up (which is both understandable reactions) you need to create or restore openness in your relationship, without any form of censorship or criticism; this is a good way to avoid the collapse of otherwise unavoidable and restore love in the relationship. Elaborated in the "this page".

Jules Monte, author of manual to find and keep real in one's life.

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