Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

Authority of real change

Be an active part in a revolution of love does not necessarily mean joining a church or religion or anything like that, this means joining revolution for real change in your life.

How you think and do things in our life have positive options in every day decision we made, taking into account the feelings of respect for all other learning come in contact with learning to appreciate the gift of giving in many forms, give of your time to give needy people if you can, to make sacrifices for a better tomorrow by getting involved in the process of change through or by a church school district to talk with others about revolution spread the love for as many people as you can say it and live.

The war proved that hate anti-discrimination jealousy or violence only fuels fire on these emotions and humanity & acts not only contaminated themselves but the future of our children and grand children, & and only real people that benefit from this work is identifying the few arranged carefully social psychological mind game matrix through "fear factor" that makes us think that all this is normal, and while we're busy fighting and hate and destruction and stay separated gaining control of our own & power The Earth and everything else and believe me it will crack down hard by the global media in politics, and even using schools and religions to convince us that evil is only as strong as they campaign we also must strongly campaign to drum up our love from city to city to State Street to street and everywhere to unite universal love. The time has come to dominate our lives and find positive ways to global standardization and try and salvage what remains of our societies, and humanitarian, as well as

Do you remember the first time when he was age a teenager when she fell in love?

Or even if there is a young adult when you think you are someone special. Do you remember how it felt? How happy how I acted for and start another day two got together predicted time again ... Well, then imagine the love like this but only stronger more sincere and more realistic. The love of your life humans fellow peace in your heart, unlike any other feeling I felt. This feeling magic love is a secret key elixir to unlock the true potential of the heart & of mind where your pineal gland finally open your third eye and will begin to see things like you've never seen before. Will begin to appreciate each day waking respect and love human nature on the planet and the universe. It's as if you've been ditoxid of infection HIV deaths we have a community.

People "

Believe me ... It is time to wake up and experience this love

Sorry if I cannot whip or wave of the Bible, and tell you it's the end of the world or how if you don't go to hell or tell you to obey your Government or you will be hostile to the United States, or tell you to follow and believe media and crap on the way of life to help fuel the fear in our minds but won't tell you what you think of who to continue in political life, what I am saying is that what ever we Let's love ourselves better and mankind and start showing respect humility and charity to others without regard to sex, race or beliefs place seemed as religions as if works better people living positively then we must begin to change ourselves.

The way we think.

The way we work.

Negative things or allow in our lives.

Our association with people only leads us down.

Negative habits.

Start with a list of exactly what is wrong or negativity in your life, and begin to address them at another time.

Never change your position.

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