Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

The Real Reason You're Not Attractive To Women

Does it always seem that your friends attract more women than you do? Do you feel comfortable in the presence of the opposite sex or do you always say the wrong thing and put them off? How is it that some men just seem to attract women naturally without actually doing anything? Are all the other men better looking than you? Taller? Wealthier? Funnier?... Probably not. So what elusive quality do they have that you don't?

Confidence.... Attracting the opposite sex is all about having the self confidence to talk with them, joke with them and make them feel good.

The man who can do this will not necessarily be the best looking guy in the room he just has that something special, the x factor if you like. He is charismatic and he is that way because he is 100% confident in himself. He may not even be aware of it, but attracting women is down to more than a nice face - it is a mindset and belief!

This man naturally believes that he is attractive to women and that they will find him interesting and want to spend time with him. There is no doubt in his mind about this. He enjoys the challenges of approaching new women and getting to know them. He doesn't dwell on the possibility of rejection, because it rarely happens to him. But if it does, he shrugs his shoulders and moves on to the next lady. He doesn't spend time wondering why it happened or doubting his appeal, he sees it as their loss and carries on with his life.

So, now you know why some men have all the luck with women - and others don't. but that's not of much to you I don't suppose. What you really want to know is - how can I make myself attractive to women - right?

But do you know what You CAN change the Way you think, so that you will attract women naturally.

Before I proceed, just so that you know, I used these very same methods myself and if you want to see how well they work, I have included a link for you at the end of this article. I am the upper side of 50 and suffered from a crippling lack of confidence, that affected every area of my life, especially when trying to approach members of the opposite sex. So I know what I'm talking about, because I've been where you are.

I realised that I needed to work on myself and that there was help available, but I didn't have the time, money or confidence to attend classes. I'm not a great reader and so I decided against self help books. However, I did stumble upon subliminal messages, which completely turned my life around.

I'm not claiming that they offer a quick fix or that you will change into a super confident honey magnet overnight, but they changed my attitude and my life completely.

Subliminal messages send information directly into your subconscious mind, just like hypnosis so that you can change your thought patterns at a deeper level. The positive statements will gradually target and destroy the negative self beliefs that you have concerning your ability to date beautiful women.

Put the time in and you will see the results.

View the original article here

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