Begin self-love. When you accept yourself as, with all your mistakes and failures, you're on the road to love others generous, free from fear and craving love in return.
Everybody loves somebody. It is much harder to love yourself. In those that you love, you forgive failures. Why is it so hard to show such compassion towards yourself?
The style started early. Young people, especially teens and early 20 's compare themselves to others always. It is fully aware of where they fall short. I think if anyone knows what a jerk he really, they despise and avoid me. I think many young people who feel the same way.
What is happening to them, and still talked most of us as we get older, that each of us work in progress: the changing and evolving and learning new things. In the process, and always will be. No destination in this life, but a series of tomorrow.
When comparing yourself to another person, other than a snapshot of the moment. I don't see the process that led to this moment or how difficult it is to get there. But could not see ourselves in this way because we know all our steps-and stumbles along the way.
Why accept key to self-love and self-respect. May not be where you want the ultimate in life. Than ever? Wherever you've got, which I do honestly. Acceptance. Whatever process got you to where you are now, is unique to your operation. Acceptance. So if you want to change everything tomorrow and build new and different life, accept where you are today.
Last admission is complete. The book is closed by reach where you are today. It allows you to find fresh towards the future without guilt or recrimination. Made mistakes. Accept them. I have done stupid things. Learn from them. Write down all the stupid things ever done on a piece of paper. Then tear out and throw it away. The past is over. It can't hurt you unless you allow it. Accept stronger moment in life, and cannot access power moment if you are dragging on past failures.
Accept yourself the way you accept people like. Warts and all. Love pimples. I don't know people's most beautiful, and worse still, more accomplished and you don't. So what? I have errors, many of them. So are you. I accept mine, and you can accept you. Everything you need to do to accept yourself exactly as you are at the moment, and then move on. Your forward and create the life you want.
Stewart Cohen is the author of "the seventh" system: "power of your emotional system". The book presents intriguing new way to understand emotions and emotional balance. Please visit view excerpts from the book, and code. Order through the website. Print versions also available through Amazon Kindle.
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