Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Relationship Advice For Women: 3 Reasons Communication Isn't The Answer To Strengthening A Marriage

This relationship advice for women is going to try and challenge a common belief about ways that you can improve a relationship and that's communication. Communication is always lauded as the best thing you can do if you want to deepen the connection between you and your man but this isn't always the best thing you can do. In fact, communication can sometimes make the relationship so weak that it's nearly beyond repairable. If you've been trying to communicate with your man to get closer to him, have you been pushing him away instead? Here are three reasons why communication isn't the answer.

1. More Talk, Less Substance

Some couples sadly talk a lot but never discuss anything important. They talk about what happened to them today at work, the weather, their plans for the weekend, the movie they're going to watch tonight, stuff like that.

But when it comes to their relationship and signs that they're not happy or not trusting of the other person, it simply gets swept under the rug. It takes courage to make communication actually work and most people are too scared.

2. More Is Less

Some people talk a lot but never really get their point across. These people don't get communication and the role it plays when it comes to trying to deepening the relationship. What they do is sit themselves down with their man and simply talk about mundane things.

This isn't going to fix anything. In fact, it might drive a bigger wedge between the two of you. Communication becomes pleasantries and becomes a habit. If it becomes a habit, you know you're in trouble. Why? Because it will happen without you even thinking about it.

3. No Resolution

Some people do talk about the important stuff in their relationship, but the use it as ammunition to fire at their partner. They don't get around to solving the problems. They are too interested in accusations and causing pain.

Communication is not only about the two-way process of talking. It's also about solving the problem at the end. If you leave ends loose, the problem is still there, no matter how much you communicate.

This relationship advice for women is something that should be adhered to if your relationship means anything to you. Try to realize that communication is overrated and that you have to put in a lot of effort to really make it pay off. Remember, less is more, tie all loose ends and talk about stuff that matters to make your marriage stronger than ever and your man more loving and respectful of you.

Jack Keys is a married to his wife, Elle and has a beautiful baby daughter with her. His psychology degree, combined with his real-life experience in his own marriage has turned him into an accidental relationship adviser amongst his friends and colleagues.

He specializes in relationship advice for women and shares his knowledge with women who want to strengthen their relationship with their husband.

His latest 10-page report talks about how to get more love and respect from your husband, written especially for women who are finding that their man is falling out of love with them.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=J._Keys

View the original article here

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