Therefore, in dealing with others should be aware that if you pay someone to one of these fears they will behave rationally six.
It is the degree of self-awareness note that if you start acting nervous tension or pressure, or lose your sense of silfhomor (you can't laugh at yourself) or find yourself worrying sleepless or run down, and who need a holiday, then one source that exhaustion of these apprehensions misery six:
Bovirtithi ancient fear fear fear ajiz kritisismthi fear of losing love of fear somionithi from hialththi fear of deathWhile running any of the six we have today, we cannot be authentic because it will define happiness as overcoming fear, even if this fear, subconscious.
Such fears reportedly in sosialisid, and therefore our memes are not always in our awareness. In other words we can often behave from fear even when we say we're not.
Animal instinct Act. Instinct most reinforced by fear. Animal law from fear nearly 100% of time, even when being affectionate paid this fear.
Animal instinct and human fear inherent within our daily when working in animal life. This level is still present in all human beings as a mechanism for protection.
When, for example, you can hear someone say "I'm the Turkey" or "I have to" or "you've got" or "you" you can recognize the level of human, animal and a fear of driving. (One or all six)
1. the fear of poverty
People fill their pockets with money because they don't trust. Our world has become identified with wealth as a death of an individual value.
Rich seems to imply the success so far, it seems that wealth overseas and domestic wealth which recognized separate talks.
With the wealth of someone who has no internal wealth will fear loss of wealth. And there will be people in poverty wealth poverty interior no fear because they will have confidence.
If there is no inherent trust in human beings and God, a person will awareness of wealth to flee in fear of poverty, but they never will. Fear cannot be expunged for more than a few weeks with increasing wealth before we fear there are again insufficient.
Trust in people, life, God can corrode easily with a parent dies, the mother of a family trusted or breach of faith of a trusted friend. Above all this occurs within the first three years of life, but escalate to classic scenarios of abuse and deception later in life. If it is to maintain confidence in the first three years of life, is likely to fade later in life, regardless of what transpires.
Fear of poverty comes from lack of confidence and this can also be passed genetically from the mother, the father of the child in the first three years. Awareness of the emotional, energetic, DNA and transmission is most parenting guidance.
2. fear of ageing
There are two roots to the fear of ageing. One stems from fear of poverty and other fear despair, unable to protect itself from concerns mentioned in fear and fear.
3. fear of criticism
The evolution of fashion industry all this fear. And now, the protection of social networks, so that the media, if the good filtered person deepest fears.
We selected e-friends, disguise ourselves in fashion, we are driving to make a statement but all the time, living in fear people will reject us.
This fear of severe criticism and causes tremendous emotional choices in life the subconscious. This means we go and associate with others who think we're going to criticize the United States.
It failed relationship in more than 90 per cent of cases. Fear criticizing sitting under many so-called love marriage arrangements where shame individual requests or guilt on themselves or their lives, their jobs or their families, they hope to find a place to hide and relax with this fear, and often choose relationships. But soon, in this relationship, fears, and begins near feel ashamed of themselves to blame for the breakdown does not recognize partner that they entered the relationship you fear, and fear itself will remain.
4. the fear of losing love someone
Many men are relationships with women to combat the armies. Evidenced by the number of men who have become insane after end relations cause relationship more than love.
Jealousy, and hatred, murder, rape, violence and abuse, greed and a lot more emotional animal in humans base comes from the fear of losing love of someone.
Many people know to maintain love as unique loyalty. As a child and this is evident when harmed children when adopted "best friend", another friend, the first child is against kombitid. Apparently fear, love, and loss from someone that uses so many strange social signals.
Sex with strangers is a great example. Sex and love separate topics but we link them religiously to protect love. We fear, deep that sex will love, so we link people in monogamy.
Fear of losing love of someone not only large adult relationships. Parents, friends, coworkers and more sources are not listed as "love" is. Thus, many surprises that come in such environments by, at most, fear of losing love of someone.
5. fear disease
Fear of ill health has its roots in similar places for fear of ageing and fear of poverty.
Clearly, natural health, however, we seek to avoid it, we are introducing a lot of hype marketing and sales for products and teacher shonki process can make ourselves sick.
Decorated food and fast food to appear healthy. Herbs and medicines follow packaging displays traditional health and TV ads, even for liquid dish washing, and portrays this product under the banner of fear giving health reduce the usefulness of the product.
Fear of poor health drives many people to the disease.
6. fear of death
Does anyone know what happened before you were born or after we die. Many guessing, and sell some ideas, others find the passages of books dealing with fear of death, but there was uncertainty about death and fear that it enormously.
Nature animals more people experience the deepest fear. One such human animal nature exhibition of terrorism and religious teachings which exclude argument all on behalf of righteousness. In this case resolved fear belief. These beliefs based on uncertainty, upholding righteousness to adhere.
A greater source of deception, human religious beliefs promising certainty in the afterlife, and therefore, one can argue that the fear of death great fear in all humankind.
If one person says, "I know what will happen to me after my death," you know something only one certainty, this person has tremendous innate fear of death that apply to them, have to overcome. Be aware that if you scratch the surface of the belief that the person will scratch their fear, as all animal nature, their behavior is unpredictable, aggressive and protection.
Beyond fear
Beyond fear as a driving force in life there is another world. This is not an escape from fear, because fear and concerns six there necessarily. No change but with a relatively simple application, is to influence these concerns have on relationships, health, wealth, work and service to others.
Chris <""> Walker business consultant and insight in the world lead facilitators "development" personal and professional. Author, consultant and professional speaker, it is considered a pioneer in the field of human potential and life patterns of success. VIPs, and thousands of people attended proficiency programmes throughout the world find ways to live and manage their careers to their fullest potential.
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